Dogwood Tree

Dogwood Tree
Dogwood Tree

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our Trip is Drawing to an End

Well, our trip was drawing to an end, and so is yours, Dear Reader. If you are a Loyal Follower, you have read your way through my May volunteer experiences in Tono, then held your breath waiting for more during my long hiatus, then been overjoyed to read my new posts in August. If there are actually such people out there, thank-you for your time! If not, thanks for glancing at my Blog once in a while!

Just because I have returned to the States doesn't mean I'm "done" with northeastern Japan. If anything, the more I travel there, the more my interests seem to zero in on that region. The more I read about it and travel through it, the more it takes shape in my mind.

That being said, my ideas for continuing to support the Sanriku Coast region are still vague. For now, the only concrete idea I have is to do a project supporting Takkon Daycare, so I'll start with that. I'm also thinking of doing some art inspired by my experiences, and having a show to raise money for the region.

As for conclusions about volunteering, I've learned a lot, but like most learning experiences, it just raises more questions.

Hmmm. I keep writing paragraphs hoping that the next paragraph will do a great job of summing up my Blog, but I'm not hitting the jackpot. Since this is a Blog, not a novel, I guess I don't have to worry about how good the ending is.

This is it for my official account, but stand by for a few outtakes!

1 comment:

  1. I thought your ending was fine and thank you for sharing all of this!
