While the world was ending, due to the prediction of some crazed (and wealthy) religious pundit, the world was also beginning again. The debris begins to form a pattern: first, the army comes in and clears away large items, such as trees and cars, from a certain section. They also check for bodies. (New bodies are "coming up" out of the debris still every day.) Once the okay is given, volunteer groups come in and clear up the small debris, including much glass and large chunks of asphalt. Small squares of bulldozed land appear; rice fields are cleared for planting (although they are full of salt water; real return to their natural state will take years). Like a mouse nibbling around the edges of a giant cheese chunk, humans eat away at the chaos and create order.
Meanwhile, this stuffed bear sits by the side of the road and watches the process. He wonders what his fate will be. Will his owner return to pick him up?
It's going to be a long, slow process to undo that much chaos.